Current Bid: $100
Artist: Heather LeBlanc
Full name of piece: Inspired by the beautiful symmetry and branches of neurons and their mirrored connection to nature and life itself.
Current Bid: $100
Artist: Heather LeBlanc
Full name of piece: Inspired by the beautiful symmetry and branches of neurons and their mirrored connection to nature and life itself.
Current Bid: $40
Artist: Dylan Deska-Gauthier
Current Bid: $100
Artist: Danielle Stanton
Full name of piece: Embryonic development of the eye proceeds as cells born in the innermost layer of the retina (red) give rise to many diverse cell types. These newly-born cells migrate outward to form layers of specialized neurons capable of detecting light and transmitting this information to the brain. Meanwhile, a distinct group of non-neuronal cells (green) forms the lens which focuses light onto the retina. Cell nuclei are displayed in blue.
Current Bid: $50
Artist: Rafaela Andrade-Vieira
Full name of piece: Skeletal muscle of lower leg showing Myosin heavy chains (red), cellular membranes (green) and nuclei (blue)
Current Bid: $32
Artist: Jude Kline
Current Bid: $55
Artist: Hirad Feridooni